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19 | He/Him

Zay Blaine

“I’m not a kid anymore, I can handle this.”

Zay is the technician responsible for keeping all computer hardware and software up to date and functioning at the Blackwood residence. He learned to operate computers at a young age and has been fascinated by them ever since. Instead of playing with toys like other kids his age, Zay would spend hours fiddling around with various types of technology.

Zay spends most of his free time on social media, where he feels the most comfortable. He is an introvert who prefers to keep to himself and is often seen sitting alone on his phone or locked away in his room for what seems like days. When asked about what he's been doing in there, Zay tries to avoid the topic. Others are curious, but they respect his boundaries and don't push him to share.

At first glance, many believe Zay to be fragile and timid because of how quiet he can be, but he’s actually quite strong and capable. He doesn't like being looked down on and tries his best to be taken seriously by others, but no matter how hard he tries, he always ends up being treated like a helpless child. He just wants to be treated with the same dignity and respect as everyone else.


Zeal Blaine

Zeal is Zay's older brother. Together, they made a pact with Dante to escape their abusive home life and start anew. Although Zay and Zeal share a close bond, Zay finds Zeal frustratingly annoying at times, particularly when he whines and acts like a drama queen. However, despite their ups and downs, they have stayed committed to and have remained by each other's side, protecting and looking out for one another no matter what.

Taylor Damaris
Friend (?)

Zay is constantly questioning whether Taylor hates him or not. Whenever they’re in the same room and they make eye contact, Taylor will give Zay a strange look and quickly face the other way. On top of that, there have been many instances where Taylor has been a bit mean to Zay like calling him names and being annoyed by some of Zay’s actions. There are even times where Zay catches Taylor glaring at him from the corner of his eye, But Zay somehow still finds Taylor very intriguing. He can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more to him than meets the eye. Zay is curious to know more about Taylor, but is unsure of how to approach him. He can’t help but wonder what could be the reason behind Taylor’s tough exterior.

Dante Blackwood

Zay deeply cares for Dante and views him as a father figure. Dante saved Zay and his brother from their horrible home life, an experience that still resonates with Zay to this day. As a result, he feels a deep sense of gratitude towards Dante. Although Dante is a kind-hearted demon, Zay is still somewhat intimidated by him. Zay has a great respect for Dante's power and wisdom, as well as a sense of reverence for his status as a demon. Therefore, Zay often waits for Dante to initiate conversation, rather than speaking out of turn.

Lunette Palermo

From Zay’s observations, it is clear that Lunette is very beloved figure in the house. She gets along with almost everyone and always brightens up the room when she enters. Zay has always been a bit of an outsider, but Lunette has never made him feel that way. In fact, she always goes out of her way to make sure he feels included. Despite their positive interactions, Zay cannot help but feel a sense of unease around her, as if there is something sinister lurking beneath the surface.

Kaitlyn Faye

(Coming Soon...)

Roscoe King

(Coming Soon...)

Beatrix Madigan

Beatrix has always been there for Zay, kind of like a big sister. Like Zeal she is his protector, always standing up for him and making sure he is taken care of. Zay appreciates her for this. However, there are times when Beatrix can be a bit overprotective of Zay, treating him as if he were a defenseless baby. Zay grew up in a military family. He thinks he can handle things himself perfectly fine. He knows Beatrix is only looking out for him and he loves her deeply for it. While Zay may be fiercely independent, he knows that he can’t always handle everything on his own. When he needs help, he knows that Beatrix is one of the people he can count on the be there for him.

Cain Cohen
Friend | Crush

Zay has had romantic feelings for Cain for quite some time now. It’s a bit of a secret crush that he has never really shared with anyone. Though their conversations can be awkward at times, Cain has always been kind and thoughtful towards Zay. What Zay appreciates most is how Cain treats him just like he treats everyone else. He also can’t help but notice how cute Cain is and how he embodies everything that Zay admires in a person. However, Zay knows deep down that any chance of a romantic relationship between them is highly unlikely. After all, Cain is six years older than him and doesn’t seem to be interested in being in a relationship with anyone, let alone someone like Zay. For now, Zay is content with cherishing the moments when Cain is around, even if they're just casual conversations between friends.

Rose Palermo

Zay isn't very close to Rose. In fact, they rarely talk to each other at all, except when he helps out with cooking. Despite this distance, Zay feels very empathetic toward Rose, though he's not sure why. She's cold, heartless, and mean to almost everyone, but Zay can't help feeling sorry for her.

Zeru Veronin

(Coming Soon...)

Abigail Harper

(Coming Soon...)

Lightning Merrick

(Coming Soon...)

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