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19 | She/Her

Rose Palermo

“Go do something useful with yourself and leave me alone.”

Rose serves as the Head Chef and a housekeeper at The Blackwood Residence. With her renowned cooking skills and ability to swiftly complete her daily tasks, Rose has become a respected servant under Dante. However, their relationship is more than just professional. Rose is bound to Dante by a mysterious pact. A pact she made out of desperation to escape her troubled past. She had exceeded in doing just that and was living a peaceful life. That is until her half sister, Lunette showed up at the mansion doors with Dante. To say Rose was pissed would be an understatement. Not much is known about Rose’s life before her arrival at the mansion. The only one who seems to be knowledgeable of it is Lunette, whom Rose harbors a deep-seated hatred for.

Ever since Lunette’s arrival at the masnion, Rose’s life has been a living hell. Not only was her sister back in her life, but a series of strange events have begun to unfold. Including her attempted kidnapping by a group of mercenaries. Someone is undoubtedly after her, but who?


Lunette Palermo
Half-Sister | Adversary

Rose can’t stand Lunette. It’s not just a slight annoyance she feels towards her, but a deep-rooted hatred that’s been brewing for years now. The fact that she has to see and interact with Lunette everyday is a hell in itself. Rose tries to keep things professional between them, but Lunette always finds a way to push all her buttons. In Rose’s eyes, Lunette is far from the angel others think she is. She’s nothing more than an attention-seeking narcissist who thrives on making Rose’s life as miserable as possible.

Kaitlyn Faye

Rose finds Kaitlyn's boundless energy and constant chatter a little overbearing. The non-stop talk is often about trivial things and It exhausts her to the point where she tunes Kaitlyn out. It's hard to tell Kaitlyn is three years older than Rose from how childish she acts.
Another of Kaitlyn's habits that Rose finds annoying is her overly enthusiastic and loud morning greetings. Rose becomes especially agitated about this because she enjoys her quiet mornings. Even with all of these minor annoyances, Rose doesn’t dislike Kaitlyn. In fact, she values Kaitlyn's cooking skills, and appreciates her willingness to follow instructions without complaint, even if she sometimes makes mistakes.

Zeal Blaine

Rose thinks Zeal is too concerned with his own vanity, spending more time obsessing over his looks than on his tasks. Rose finds Zeal’s behavior frustratingly counterproductive. He also has a habit of giving unsolicited fashion advice to her, which Rose heavily dislikes. She enjoys her own clothing style and has no interest in taking tips from someone whose style is significantly different from hers. She considers Zeal's clothing style too excessive for her taste. Rose doesn't hate Zeal in spite of these annoyances, but she wouldn't consider him one of her favorite acquaintances either.

Taylor Damaris

Taylor is a constant source of irritation for Rose. She sees his blatant disregard for others as a major flaw and a pain in the ass. He’s a lazy slob that leaves behind a mess everywhere he goes, leaving Rose to clean up after him. Taylor clearly doesn’t like her, and the feeling’s mutual. Their relationship lacks any sort of warmth or companionship and it likely always will be.
Although Taylor is incredibly frustrating to be around, she does admit that Taylor isn't as unbearable as her sister, but he’s a very close second.


Rose shares a tense relationship with Blackheart. It stems from a past incident in which Blackheart and her syndicate attempted to kidnap her. This event has letf a lasting impression on Rose's perception of Blackheart. Blackheart has attempted to apologize to Rose numerous times, but Rose's hostility towards her remains.
Adding to the situation is Blackheart’s romantic relationship with Rose’s sister, Lunette. Of course she’d fall in love with someone like Blackheart. It’s like she gravitates toward people who have done horrible things to Rose in some way. In Lunette’s opinion, Blackheart can do no wrong. The public displays of affection between Blackheart and Lunette are especially gross. Rose struggles to understand what Blackheart sees in her chaotic sister. In order to maintain her peace of mind, Rose actively avoids those two like the plague whenever possible.

Cain Cohen

Rose sees Cain as a refreshing presence among the chaos of the mansion. His quiet and reserved nature makes him more easy to work with than others. But, she also finds his extreme silence a bit much at times. For instance, when she reports to him with a task from Dante, She is typically met with silence.Not even an acknowledgement with words or a nod. He merely turns and walks away to do the job. He leaves her unsure if he even understood the instructions at all.
Rose doesn't hold any negative feelings towards Cain, but she tries to avoid him whenever possible. She prefers to steer clear of the awkward silences that often follow their meetings.

Roscoe King

Roscoe stands out to Rose. She holds him in high regard as one of the few tolerable figures in the mansion. Rose does have her grievances with Roscoe though. They are mainly about his attitude towards Taylor.
As Taylors best friend Roscoe often enables his brash and self-centered behavior. This frustrates Rose and a few others to no end. She finds it especially annoying when he justifies Taylor's actions with, "He's just been through a lot." To Rose, this explanation falls flat. She's experienced her own share of trauma, yet you don’t see her using it as an excuse to be utterly obnoxious to everyone!
Other than this one point of disagreement. Rose's overall view of Roscoe is largely positive.

Beatrix Madigan
Friend | Crush


Ugh, that never-ending sound rings in her ears day in and day out. And that annoying cheerful grin she wears on her face. What’s there to be so happy about anyway? Beatrix is always there. She wanders around as if she’s got nothing better to do than invade Rose’s personal bubble. She’s practically breathing down her neck. And don’t get her started on the endless barrage of questions. Yet, there's something about Beatrix's presence that sends Rose's heart racing. The way her eyes light up when she sees Rose, the heavy scent of leather that accompanies her, and that single dimple on the right side of her cheek when she laughs or smiles...

Oh shit.

Zay Blaine

Rose doesn’t have many chances to interact with Zay. But based on their brief encounters, she has formed a firm opinion of him. He seems to be somewhat of a loner, who prefers spending time in his room over socializing with others. She rarely sees him outside of his private sanctuary. When she does, his attention is mainly fixated on his phone. It's as if he's more interested in the digital world than the real one around him. It's an odd behavior that Rose can't help but notice, but she holds no negative feelings towards Zay.

Zeru Veronin

Rose and Zeru share a certain bond. They are brought together by their shared frustration towards the other mansion residents. Their daily antics often have them rolling their eyes in unison. But, Zeru also has his own behaviors that Rose can’t overlook. His frequent outbursts, fuelled by anger and often on the dramatic side, can really get on her nerves.
Even so, Rose respects Zeru, largely due to his close relationship with Dante, whom she admires greatly. This admiration extends to Zeru, who she regards as a superior and a sort of leader within the mansion.

Dante Blackwood

Rose is very loyal to Dante, who helped her during a crucial moment in her life. While her birth father was present with her growing up, Dante has taken on the role of a father figure, offering guidance and support. She accepts his advice and is grateful for it. She considers him to be the one person she can somewhat confide in. But, she is also aware that Dante may have ulterior motives, so she approaches their conversations with caution and is selective in the information she shares with him.

Abigail Harper

Rose's interactions with Abigail mainly revolve around their shared cooking duties. Rose was initially taken aback by Abigail's towering size. She was expecting a more aggressive personality to match. But she soon discovered that Abigail was quite the opposite. Despite her size, Abigail would let herself be pushed around, particulary by Taylor. Rose fails to understand why Abigail doesn't just assert herself more. With her strength she is more than capable of doing so. Regardless, Rose views Abigail as calm and reasonable. She is definitely one of the mansion's more level-headed residents.

Lightning Merrick

Although Rose and Lightning rarely cross paths, Rose can't help but feel a sense of pity towards him. She sees the pain in Lightning's demeanor, and the constant struggle he faces day in and day out. Lightning's reliance on drugs to numb his pain strikes a chord with Rose. She herself often turns to alcohol as an escape from her own stress and trauma. It’s a habit that's difficult to break.
Rose finds herself being more forgiving and patient with Lightning when he does something that irks her. She rarely extends this level of understanding and empathy to others in the mansion.

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