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23 | She/Her

Lunette Palermo

"Why the long face?"

Lunette operates as one of the residence’s most watchful gaurds. Her sharp observation skills and persausiveness has made her an excellent fit for her role. Lunette was the most recent addition to the staff at the mansion. Upon her arrival, the other residents were surprised to find out that their new colleague was Rose’s sister. However, They were quickly won over by her captivating personality and looks. Rose, on the over hand, was less than thrilled about Lunette’s arrival.
(I wrote more but didn’t like it, so the rest will be posted later lol)


Rose Palermo

Ah, her beloved baby sister, Rose. Lunette adores her to bits, but sometimes she can't help but feel hurt by Rose’s cruel actions towards her. Lunette only offers a few gentle pointers now and then out of pure love and a desire to see Rose flourish. I mean, how else does she expect to attract a girlfriend with her bad attitude and fashion choices? But instead of gratitude, Rose responds with throwing a chair at her. sigh, It's a pity, really. If she continues like this, she risks pushing everyone away, and it will be all her fault. Who will be there for her then? But dear Rosie Posie has nothing to fear, for even in those dark times, Lunette will always be there for her. Always. Afterall, that’s what big sisters are for, isn't it?

Beatrix Madigan
Friend | Teammate

Lunette thinks Beatrix is adorable. a bit dim-witted, But a cutie nonetheless. It tickles Lunette how obvious her sister's feelings are for Beatrix and finds joy in making Rose seethe when throwing flirty remarks towards her. The piercing glare Rose shoots her way is always priceless.

Lunette actually feels kinda bad for Beatrix. She tries so hard to win Rose's affection. Yet, Rose treats Beatrix as if she were a piece of trash on the sidewalk. Lunette knows her sister well enough to believe that Beatrix ought to give up her chase, but Beatrix remains determined. Her drive amuses Lunette. She can’t wait to see how their relationship will all play out in the end.

Zay Blaine

Lunette is particularly fascinated by Zay. Everyone else writes him off as just a nerdy tech-obsessed soft boy, but Lunette sees deeper. His smarts go way beyond his computer skills. He’s sharp and hard to sway, a lot like her, which makes him a fun challenge. Getting Zay to open up is tough, but that just makes Lunette even more interested in him.

Zeru Veronin

Lunette just can’t resist messing with Zeru's potions when she's bored. Testing out all the cool magic tricks is too tempting, even if it drives Zeru up the wall. Sure, she gets in trouble, but she always manages to sweet-talk her way out of it. Somehow, she always gets off with just a slap on the wrist, unlike everyone else who tries the same thing.

Taylor Damaris
Friend | Teammate

(Coming Soon...)

Roscoe King
Friend | Teammate

(Coming Soon...)

Lightning Merrick

(Coming Soon...)


(Coming Soon..(I'M SO SORRY Y'ALL . I'm struggling with this one for some reason))

Kaitlyn Faye

Lunette adores Kaitlyn to pieces. She’s never meet anyone so small filled with so much energy. Kaitlyn sure can talk her head off, always going on and on about everyone, spilling all sorts of interesting gossip. She’ll also go along with anything Lunette suggests, even if it’s something as crazy as jumping off the mansion's roof. Kaitlyn makes Lunette feel like some sort of queen while kaitlyn is the dancing jester. How cute. All she needs is a silly little hat and she’d fit the role perfectly.

Zeal Blaine
Friend | Mentee

Lunette takes great pleasure in her relationship with Zeal. When she wants the latest mansion drama, He is always her go-to.

To her, Zeal is like a little puppy, always looking up to her with innocent eyes that are eager to learn. It’s a role she enjoys immensely. She loves molding him and teaching him all the tricks of being a bad bitch just like her. Rose doesn’t like the fact that she’s teaching Zeal all her toxic habits and mannerisms, but Lunette thinks Rose is just a tad bit jealous that she has no one who looks up to her lol

Cain Cohen
Friend | Teammate

(Coming Soon...)

Dante Blackwood

Lunette is incredibly curious and eager to learn more about Dante. She just knows there's some juicy history behind that intelligent and calm exterior. When they talk, she tries to get him to slip up and reveal something, but Dante isn't easy to crack. He shuts her down instantly and is always two steps ahead. He's a tough cookie, but that doesn't stop Lunette from trying.

Abigail Harper

Lunette and Abigail aren't very close. Abigail doesn't talk much to Lunette, and she suspects it's because Abigail is intimidated by her. Lunette holds no ill will towards Abigail though. She's just amazed by her size, like her ass and titties are HUGE!

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