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20 | He/Him

Lightning Merrick

"I think there's someone watching us."

Lightning Merrick is one of the receptionists at the Blackwood residence. His life has been a constant struggle, marked by a series of highs and lows that have left him feeling lost and alone. He is known to be very guarded and reserved, but those who take the time to get to know him are often struck by his natural talent for creative writing.

Writing is Lightning's special and powerful way of expressing himself. His poetry and stories reflect his complicated personality, which is full of strong emotions. He writes with all his heart and soul, using it as a way to cope with the challenges of his life.

Unfortunately, Lightning struggles with a serious drug addiction that threatens to consume him. He often feels trapped in a downward spiral, unable to break free from the grip of his addiction. Additionally, he suffers from extreme paranoia, always feeling like he's being watched. This has alienated him from those who might be able to help him, leaving him feeling even more alone.


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