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22 | She/They

Kaitlyn Faye

“This is gonna be fun!”

Kaitlyn Faye is a young dragon who has been working as a groundskeeper at the Blackwood residence for the past three years. Though she was the smallest dragon in her tribe, her size never stopped her from pursuing her dreams. In fact, she uses her small size to her advantage, climbing walls and reaching hard-to-get places as part of her job.

Kaitlyn is known for her boundless energy and enthusiasm. She's great at starting conversations with anyone she meets, and her lively personality is both impressive and endearing. However, some people may find her a bit overwhelming, but Kaitlyn doesn't let anyone's negative opinions ruin her spirit.

As a dragon, Kaitlyn is constantly seeking to unlock her full potential. She believes that she has the ability to become a bigger and more powerful dragon and is eager to discover how to tap into her powers.


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