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21 | She/Her

Beatrix Madigan

“I’m gonna make it happen this time!”

Beatrix is the honorary head of the mansion guards, a position bestowed upon her by Dante. This alone is a testament to her skills and abilities. While she may come across as dense at times, her warm and welcoming personality leaves a great first impression on those she meets.

One of Beatrix's most admirable qualities is her fierce loyalty to Dante and the other residents of the mansion. In her eyes, they aren't just acquaintances, but rather her own family. Beatrix is incredibly grateful for the kindness and care she has received from them, and she's always willing to go above and beyond to ensure their safety and well-being. She's been known to stay up all night patrolling the mansion grounds, even through other guards' shifts, just to make sure that everyone is safe and sound. Beatrix is adamant about doing everything she can to meet the expectations of the others.


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