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24 | She/Her

Abigail Harper

“I’m a little nervous."

Abigail is a groundskeeper who takes care of the outdoor plants and space surrounding the Blackwood residence. She is a mermaid from the ocean who made a pact with Dante a few years ago, becoming one of the first to do so after Cain. This pact was an agreement that bound Abigail to work for Dante in exchange for a place to stay.
Even though Abigail has been among humans for a while now, She still struggles with her identity as a mermaid. She is incredibly tall and towers over humans, a trait that is typical for mermaids but one that she feels makes her stick out too much. Her stunning beauty is another characteristic that she hates about herself as it draws unwanted attention from humans. Abigail wishes she could shrink in size and change her whole appearance so she can better fit in with humans.


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